A is for Aquarius
A is also for Alissa and it’s all about her this week. We’re celebrating our very own A this weekend as she heads into her last few years as a twenty something, Happy 28th A! She’s progressive, original, and independent. Just a few words to describe her as an Aquarius and as the amazing human being she is. She’s sharing three things to nail down by the time she turns the big THREE-OH and her bucket list! Keep reading to gain some wisdom and maybe some activities to add to your very own bucket list!
Three things to learn before turning 30!
Caring more about who I am rather than who I think I should be. I have spent too much of my life worrying about what other people think of me. I’ll be striving to live more boldly and with commitment to my own decisions. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on going off the deep end and not giving a crap about anyone but plan to care more about my feelings instead of someone’s opinion!
Stop apologizing for my emotions. I’ve been recognizing my tendency to minimize what I’m feeling so I don’t upset or offend someone else. This isn’t helping any of my relationships! With this goal also comes being a rational human who can still accept when my emotions are running wild and work to not take it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it…Sorry Cam! :p
Re-style more outfits instead of splurging on another new fit for every event! A friend recently called me out for having “so many clothes” in my closet. It was more in an attitude of wanting to borrow something to wear but I felt the tug at my heart strings. I plan to cut spending when it comes to new clothes. No more using the phrase “but I had a gift card!” This goal fits perfectly with our OHBI mantra for the year of “quality over quantity”.
Bucket List Before 30
I have been lucky enough to do SO much in my life but there are still a few things on my bucket list!
Go to a cooking class
Donate blood
Swim with manatees
Volunteer at the Humane Society
Learn to play a song on the guitar
Drive the Pacific Coast Highway
Eat at a restaurant alone
Fly first class
Birthdays are a great time to reflect on your past year of life and think about where you want to be a year from now. We truly believe in growing and becoming a better version of yourself than you were last year!