How to say I love you...
We’re not saying gifts equal love but if you’re in the gift giving spirit we thought we’d make it a little easier for you. The best part is we found all of these goodies on Amazon which means you can get your order in two days if you’re a Prime member! If not, we highly encourage you to try out the Prime life. It has saved us many trips to Target where we would 100% walk out of there spending more money then we intended because Target has some sort of magical hold over the logical part of our brains. Anywho keep scrolling for the OHBI gift guide dedicated to all of the different people you may love at different levels in your life!
The Significant Other
If you’ve been with your significant other as long as we have you tend to run out of creative ways to say “I love you". It doesn’t need to be anything fancy but this adorable flip book, 125,000 Ways to Say I Love You has brought us some good laughs. You can mix and match the three panels in the book to come up with a new daring way to say those three little words!
While your significant other is busy finding the perfect way to say, “I love you” you could be relaxing! This foot spa might be a gift with ourselves in mind but who wouldn’t love to soak their feet after a long day?! The answer is…everyone would enjoy it!
The Bestie
The relationship in your life that has no strings attached. Wether you found each other on the playground in Kindergarten or standing in line for the bathroom at some random bar in your 20’s they are equally important and your BFF deserves nothing but love! So why not get them a gift that will help you both document your friendship! If you’re anything like us this Fuji-Film Instax would be put to use the day it was gifted.
The Co-Worker You’d Die Without
The person who gives you the will to go on between the hours of nine and five. This motivational book will help you return the favor of encouragement. You are a Badass is a self help book to realize your best potential. You know they are already amazing but after they read this book there will be no self doubt!
If reading isn’t their thing we’re sure these inspiring pencils will come in handy! We love a cute writing utensil that reminds us to keep going and that we’re pretty amazing!
The Pets
We will be the first to admit we’re slighty obsessed with our animals but can you really blame us?! They’re freakin adorable (to us)! Anyway if you’re as crazy about your pets as we are here’s a few ideas for the felines and pups in your life. First up is an actual Lambchop for the good boy or gal in your life.
If we know anything about cats its that they like to scratch and nap! This two in one hammock and scratching post would make the perfect gift for your favorite feline friend!
The Parents / In-Laws
Your parents have probably provided food for you most of your life and if you have our parents they’re still feeding us meals every time we visit! We’re definitely not complaining but we just think it’s time to return the favor! We’ve got an option for the chocolate lover and for the ones who prefer their sweets to be fruits.
Still searching?
Don’t fret! If you didn’t see anything that caught your attention Amazon has an entire shop dedicated to Valentine’s Day shopping! Just click the link below!
* As always we like to be transparent with our readers. We are Amazon affiliates which means we get a small commission when you use our links but all opinions are our own.
We hope that y’all have a Valentine’s Day full of love and affirmation. This love should continue everyday after that! We’re firm believers that love makes the world go around so it should be celebrated daily!